
Northern California is pretty beautiful. One day I decided to drive to the coast and the route was through the Trinidad Mountains. It normally is a 3 hour drive, but it ended up becoming 4 hours because I HAD to end up stopping a few times for this :) 


I loved the mountains and wondered what would it be like living in the mountains but sometimes exploring yourself is never as exciting as exploring with your gang, and I missed mine. 

It was a humbling experience. One where you think about what is important to you. "What" truly is driving you to explore... this hit deep while standing out and listening to the waves crash on the shorelines. 

Trinidad Coastline, CA

Trinidad Coastline, CA


I stood looking at the waves and felt....calm, peaceful, restful, but strangely not at "home."  

I was surrounded by incredible creation but I could not enjoy it like i thought i would. Something was missing. I walked back to my car and kept driving hoping to find whatever it was i was looking for in the Redwood Forrest. Just maybe... seeing the grandeur of these trees would make me feel different. 

Well, it didn't. It was supremely breathtaking to see these magnificent trees but I realized that nothing is "legendary" if you have no one to experience it with. 

Moody day, for a moody post huh.. such is life sometimes, and that's what makes it real.  

I personally came away with a better appreciation for the people in my life. I was searching for something more out of a selfish desire to find something "new" and "exciting", while the entire time what i needed was right in front of me. Right next to me, in the people that knew me. It was time to stop searching and go home. 

Mithun Abraham

Artist and Filmmaker.